School Information
Our school is a successful primary school based in Great Brickhill, serving Great Brickhill, Little Brickhill and Stoke Hammond. With a capacity of 315 pupils, we also attract children from Milton Keynes and Leighton Buzzard. Our school offers your child:
- Proven track record of excellent attainment and good progress
- High quality and experienced teaching and leadership team
- Broad and balanced curriculum with engaging learning opportunities
- Opportunity to be in our choir and orchestra and learn an instrument
- Participation in inter school sports events and festivals
- Well resourced library
- Home cooked hot and cold lunches, made by our in house chef and her team
- Spacious grounds and outdoor play areas
- i-pads to aid learning
- Wrap-around care from 7:50am - 6pm (subject to a charge and availability)
- Wide range of after school clubs, including sports, art, music and cookery
- Links with our local churches and Diocese
- A firm foundation in being a good citizen through our Reflections