RE & PSHE Policy
As a school, we aim to offer our children great personal development opportunities and a key way in which we do this is through our PSHE and RE Curriculum. Please look at the long term overviews for these subjects attached below.
In RE, we follow the locally agreed syllabus and we use the scheme of work 'Understanding Christianity' to help plan lessons. We also ensure the children are aware of all other main religions as you will see from our curriculum overview. Our RE Leader is Mrs Cate Bird.
If you would like further information on our RE Curriculum, then please do not hesitate to contact us. Our RE Policy has recently been updated and is attached below.
For PSHE, we have a progressive scheme of work called 'Jigsaw' that ensures children are taught all key aspects of PSHE, including RSE, at an age appropriate level. Our PSHE Leader is Mrs Kate Goodger (Headteacher)
Our PSHE and RSE policies have been reviewed and ratified by Governors and a representative group of parents and are attached below.
Should you have any questions about our approach to teaching RE and PSHE, then please do ask.