Other Subjects
Our topics (which incorporate Humanities, Science and Arts) are taught using our four stage approach outlined below.
Our Topics follow a four stage approach for each half term's Topic.
1. Engage Phase- At the start of every half term we have a Hook Day where we engage the children and make them curious and enthused by the new Topic as well as make links with prior learning
2. Develop Phase- over the first four weeks of a Topic we ensure the children gain the key knowledge needed to meet the scope of the Topic and take part in open ended activities to impart this knowledge to them.
3. Innovate Phase- this is the application phase whereby the children have an activity that demonstrate they can apply and understand the knowledge learnt.
4. Express and Assess Phase- this ensures we can assess the impact of what the children have learnt and to what standard. We use our own exemplifications to assess this, based on guidance from Cornerstones assessment tools.
English, Maths and reading are taught daily, with RE, PHSE, discrete Science, PE and French taught weekly.
Art, Music, Computing and DT are taught both in various blocks across the academic year as well as being applied in the Topic lessons as well. This allows us to provide depth and breadth to our curriculum for all children.