Our Values
‘Let your light shine’
Matthew 5:16
Our values really matter to us at High Ash School, support our vision and are a key focus for our daily reflections as well as underpinning our behaviour policy. It is key that our children, staff and parents not only buy into these values, yet also demonstrate them in their actions.
We have spent a lot of time thinking our core values as a school and the children, staff and parents have all had the opportunity to create our logo, strapline and links to Christian and British values too.
The children came up with ‘Grow Together Shine Forever’ as our aim as an inclusive and supportive Church School as it represents to them teamwork, success, contribution, kindness, belonging and love.
We see our values linking in the following ways:
Our window
This is how we value the world around us, and we have based this on our awareness and understanding of the British values of democracy, the rule of law, tolerance and mutual respect and individual liberty. We have looked at how we demonstrate these values in school through elections to our Junior Leadership Team, through work on anti-discrimination, awareness of other religious celebrations and through our behaviour policy.
Our mirror
These are the values by which we look at ourselves and reflect how we wish to behave. At High Ash, these are our PROUD principles which are embedded into our daily life at school in terms of our conduct and approach to our learning and each other. We link these principles to our assemblies, to bible stories and to our behaviour policy and also to our reward system.
Our door
This is the fundamental value that we find from Christian teachings which makes us want and desire to make a difference to each other and the world and go out ‘via the door’ to make a contribution to society, both in school, at home, nationally and internationally. This is based on the parable of The Good Samaritan, as we want children to show compassion, tolerance and love by 'letting our light shine' - we champion being advocates for change, and it embodies all that we do.