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ABout us

I am very proud to be the Headteacher of High Ash School and enjoy working with the children, staff, parents, Church and wider community to ensure we can be the very best we can and all 'let our light shine'.

We believe that every child has the right to ‘Grow Together and Shine Forever’ as High Ash Stars through following our PROUD principles and our school vision of letting our light shine as Good Samaritans. The children chose our school motto as they felt it represented our ethos and spirit as a church school.

Our rich, broad and balanced curriculum is ambitious for all children and enables all pupils to make excellent progress. We also consider the whole child and aim to develop individuals who will make a positive contribution to society and are able to truly live our PROUD principles and have a moral compass underpinned by Christian values. We wish them to know and understand how to be a light and inspiration to themselves and others and this was the reason the children chose ‘Let your light shine’ (Matthew 5:16) in order to represent this.  

Our website includes a lot of information that I hope you will find useful. However, if you wish for your child to join High Ash, we warmly welcome you to arrange a visit.

I look forward to meeting you soon.

Mrs Kate Goodger
