Our Partners
We are an outward-looking and ambitious school, and so we work with a range of partners and other educational groups to seek out best practice so that we are able to continuously improve and keep abreast of current thinking and great ideas to give our children the best possible primary education.
Our partners include:
- The Oxford Diocese Board of Education- we work with them for staff training, school improvement advice and Governor support https://www.oxford.anglican.org/schools/
- For school improvement, we seek high quality national partnerships and use national senior educational advisors to work with us as a critical friend and for leadership coaching and Governor training
- We are also a member of our local Schools Liaison Group who meet each half-term.
- We have taken part in the Voice 21 Oracy Pioneers Project which is linked to School 21 in London; an outstanding school that we have visited to see great practice. https://www.voice21.org
- We partner with local universities for PGCE and BEd placements.
- We work with Astra as our ECT training partner and authorising body.
- We are also currently working with World Vision, an international Christian charity who represent our vision of being advocates for change.