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Parent Forum

We strongly believe in creating strong partnerships with parents and carers and every half term, our Headteacher and/or Deputy host a Parent Forum - please see dates in our Diary Dates section for these.

The Parent Forum is open to all parents and carers and is an opportunity for parents to come into school and to receive updates on what is going on in school directly, including information on teaching and learning initiatives, school development plan priorities, OFSTED updates and feedback from any external visitors.  

 The Parent Forum is also an opportunity for the school to consult with parents on a range of school issues and when applicable to agree a shared consensus for the way forward.

To date, the Parent Forums have had an input into the following:

  • Updates into school Behaviour Policy
  • Changes to swimming provision
  • Review and changes to school uniform
  • Input into school vision, strap line and logo design
  • Lunch time menus
  • Moving to groupings for English and Maths
  • Changes to Sharing Assembly formats 
  • Uses of home/school communication
  • Adaptations to the Home/School Diary
  • Review of Accelerated Reader