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Maths is taught in ability groups across the whole school with a focus on building arithmetic and reasoning skills. These ability groups are reviewed regularly to ensure children's needs are being met appropriately. The quality of our Maths education is regularly monitored by our Maths Lead, myself as Headteacher and external advisors.

We have designed our own curriculum intent and using Cornerstones Curriculum for our termly milestones- these are detailed documents and can be accessed in school.   They give us a progressive termly programme for each year group and that allows us to put a firm focus on developing knowledge and reasoning skills as well as revisiting and rehearsing key number facts. Our teachers skilfully plan lessons to meet pupil's needs and enhance their Maths lessons with challenge from White Rose Maths, NCETM, N-Rich and Maths No Problem resources to offer bespoke lessons.

Please see attached below our written methods for Maths for all four operations and how this builds year-on-year.

In addition to Cornerstones Maths providing our yearly and termly milestones, we also have created our own milestones for key arithmetic, times table and known number facts as you will see in the attachment below.

Our intent for each year group phase, including Foundation, is also below.